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Success Stories from PAFI Tanjung Balai: Making a Difference in Tanjung Balai

Tanjung Balai

The Indonesian Pharmacist Association (PAFI) is a professional organization that accommodates pharmacists in Indonesia. PAFI Tanjung Balai, as a branch of this organization in Tanjung Balai City, North Sumatra, has a vital role in improving pharmacists’ competence and professionalism and contributing to public health development.

PAFI Tanjung Balai Organizational Structure

The PAFI Tanjung Balai organizational structure is designed to ensure effectiveness and efficiency in implementing work programs and achieving organizational goals. The following is a general overview of the PAFI Tanjung Balai organizational structure:

Branch Deliberation (MUSCAB)

Main Function:

Branch Administrators


Vice Chairperson:



Field Coordinator:


Organizational and Membership Area:

Education and Training Area:

Research and Development Area:

Community Service Sector:

Public Relations and Cooperation Sector:


Active Member Involvement

PAFI Tanjung Balai strongly encourages the active involvement of all its members in various organizational activities. Some ways members can contribute include:

Detailed information about the organizational structure of PAFI Tanjung Balai can be obtained through the official website or by contacting the PAFI Tanjung Balai branch administrators listed on the website.

Partnerships and Collaborations

PAFI Tanjung Balai realizes the importance of building partnerships and collaborations with various parties to achieve organizational goals. Some forms of partnerships that have been established include:

Local Government:

Other Health Professional Organizations:

Educational Institutions:

Pharmaceutical Industry:


PAFI Tanjung Balai’s clear and structured organizational structure allows this organization to run its programs effectively and efficiently. With the support of all members and administrators, PAFI Tanjung Balai is expected to continue to play an active role in advancing the profession of pharmaceutical technic.

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